
This Shall Be Short & Sweet…


You ever meet someone who one moment you adore them; the next moment they’re a pain in your behind; the next moment you really feel like you don’t even know them? It’s a real task to keep up with that huh?

I feel that it is imperative that one understands that the faith a person builds in you depends on your consistency. For instance, if you are someone that many people call on in their time of need, it might be due to the fact that they KNOW they can count on you for whatever reason. You’ve given them a reason to instill that faith in you. On the flip side, if you’re someone who’s always cancelling a plan; or never picking up the phone during emergencies, I doubt others are going to have much faith in you when it comes to certain things.

Consistency In Relationships

I mean ANY relationship. Romantic, Business or Friendship. Whatever the relationship is, I’m sure the recipient wants to feel as though they know you. I can’t really give too much explanation when it comes to being consistent.

If I had to give some direct encouragement, I’d say:

  • Do what you say you’re going to do
  • Be who you want people to see and know you as
  • Treat others how you want to be treated
  • Don’t make promises or plans that you can’t or don’t intend to keep
  • Don’t FEEL obligated.. BE obligated [How Obligated Are You]


See… short & sweet. It’s not hard, so don’t make it hard to be consistent.

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