
Let me get right to it;
i always get asked by the most random people what is it that i do here in atlanta. I’ll tell you what i don’t do…
I do not work for free; ok goodnight… lol [in real life]
Just a synopsis of what it is I do all day – 
ok, so picture this 30 year old human whom has a pretty decent mind with pretty decent goals and just recently decided that they wanted to get serious about life. They decide that in the near future they want to be able to make life decisions and have their finances be ready as well. [however] they don’t know who they need to speak to, what they should do, when they should do it or how for that matter!
Here’s where i come in…
i sit down for about 20 good minutes on the phone or in person [as long as its a good hair day] and I have them tell me their goals just as they did their friends and parents, right. After those 20 good minutes i map out what they will need to do to accomplish these goals – but not only do i map this process out, i assist them in accomplishing this [and] in maintaining their new and improved life, that i let them take all the credit for changing [inserts emoji face].
So in laymens terms, I assist individuals with most things finance:

Obtaining Funding. Personal & Business Loans. Credit Restoration. Credit Building. Business Planning. Business Setup. Bookkeeping. Accounting.

[and a slew of other things that can save a life]
Seguing —
I would have never known the importance of making wise financial decisions and planning ahead financially had it not been for me wanting to get serious about life. so ‘what is it that i do?’ – i help those who are trying to transition and better themselves financially.

Take it from me; you are not going to want to be 40 when you finally decide you want to buy a house with a 30 yr mortgage. Let’s face it, we all won’t become millionaires and buy our houses outright; most of us will be regular people waking up to a different kind of grind.

Words of Wisdom: Education yourself when it comes to finances. Understand how your decisions can effect your future. Know where you stand in life. Acknowledge your true status. Think beyond today - be a Big Picture Thinker!
[Then] speak with me.
If the link does not work for you submit directly in the "How May I Help You" tab.

The Pressure

There was a time that I couldn’t find a piece of mind

Stretching every piece of my mind, to what required a piece of my attention

Losing retention; the irony in that.

Taking in so much that I’d forget this and that.

I blamed it on the pressure

My stressors; my many responsibilities.

The rent due, lights, cable, car.. it was killing me.

No literally killing me;

Insomnia kicking in, no sleep — i had no energy.

The pressure, thinking about all the pressure.

Caught a flat tire, gotta get another one; that’s another stressor.

Money flowing in, love flowing out;

Prioritizing the things I can live without.

Just a whole lot of random pressures……

—- [Insert your many pressures in life]

I’m thankful for the pressure

Long nights, early mornings and Starbucks.

I had a random thought, and it translated like a poem actually. My recent pressures have put me in a position lately to choose, to prioritize. It was the worst-best thing that could’ve happened for me. I will admit that I’ve never been the type to force myself to choose if I could find a way to have it all. SO imagine my ignorance to making “this or that” choices. It was all bad… until it wasn’t.

Somehow I managed to make a choice and be good with that choice no matter what. I’ve excelled tremendously in the way that I react to things. Over the past however long, I’ve been really digging in with getting to know the things I like and don’t like. The things I’ll entertain and what just doesn’t work for me. The things that matter and those things that are merely around to provide commercials when you’re tired of dealing with the real things in life.

So yeah, I’m thankful for the pressure. I can say it played a catalyst in the person that I’m becoming. Feeling that pressure taught me that I had to work harder than I ever thought I’d have to work. It taught me to be honest with myself and others. To prioritize. To grind. To turn water into wine.

I feel that one whom has never had a moment when the pressure is on, 3 seconds til the buzzer, with the game winning three point jumper on you… they just won’t understand where the real grind originates from.

Words of Wisdom: Don’t be afraid of that added pressure. You’ll either get through it a conqueror or a loser; you choose. 

Don’t Let People Make You Mean

Greetings Readers and skimmers…

So I had a thought recently, and as always, I lead by experience.

So the other day someone really did well to upset me on a day when I was actually having a good day. In lieu of me getting upset, I may have handed out a crazy tongue lashing. Afterwards, I felt bad because although I can be an intentionally mean person, that’s not who I wanted to be. As I’ve grown, I’ve realized that retaliation is a waste of time. Spending time coming up with ways to be vindictive, while maybe it does provide a great release, is also a waste of time.

Don’t let people make you mean…

I can remember having this one co-worker back when I stayed in Tampa and worked at HSN Call Center named Valerie; she is really the sweetest person ever. She would work late, and come in early. She would get some of the worse callers and still get off the phone in this chipper mood and I can remember thinking, “How in the heck is she not irritated and throwing a tantrum??”

I get it now! It’s simply because that angry, irritated, rude and irate person is just not who she is. She is actually a chipper person (Whom I’m sure gets upset), but she does well to exude positive vibes.

Point basically being…

Never let someone get you so caught up in temporary emotions that you become someone whom you don’t even recognize. I’ve seen too many times some of the sweetest people I know doing the ugliest things out of anger towards another.

I’ve adopted this new attitude that comes off carefree, but it’s not, it’s merely me not allowing other people’s negative energy to become mine. I only interact with people who produce the same vibe as me.

I need somebody thiiiiiiiiis happy or better… 

Although better written than said, and said than done… I feel that’s it’s worth the effort to try to save yourself a little bit of sanity.

Words of Wisdom: Don’t let someone who technically has no control of your emotions or actions CONTROL your emotions and/or actions… It’s just that simple.

Everyone Needs a Budget

8:40am EST

No I’m about to help you come up with a successful financial plan. No I’m not about to break down the value of a dollar or help you get your household in tact. [Unless you need help doing so]

This morning I just want to give a quick reminder. I’ve, in the past wrote “Don’t Feel Bad” about not over extending yourself to others. I’ve written about “Letting Go” of certain things and I’ve encouraged you in my post “Don’t Stay

What I realize that I didn’t tell you, was to know your limits. One must know just how much they will take or one will never know when enough is enough. Just to break it down for better understanding and to avoid capping off at one subject matter, I’m using the metaphor of knowing your budget.

Keep Up With Me Now…

Say you get paid and before all, you know you must pay your bills. Say after you give what you have to give you’re left with a mere $50 bucks. Then it clues to you that EVERYBODY called the day before to borrow and have some of your money. [Here’s the part you need to read carefully] One must know just how much they actually have to spare. You can’t give what you don’t have to give. [Seems simple huh]. Seems simple when dealing with money because you know who you wouldn’t let borrow your last, or who you wouldn’t let borrow a thing a all. Seems a bit more complicated then not when it pertains to your emotions.

If only we could use a simple budget to calculate the logistics of the heart. If only it were a mathematical equation that sways our brain to think of whats what and not the could be’s. [I almost started preaching/rambling].

Words of Wisdom: I would never encourage someone to NOT give their last quarter to someone else; I would only encourage one to make sure they don’t actually need that quarter. I would encourage that one pay’s their ’emotional bills’ on time. Meaning, how can you properly show someone else a certain amount of love, concern and time if you’re emotionally deprived in the worst way. In laymen terms, how can you pay someone else’s light bill and then you sitting in the dark?? 

Furthermore, Be Blessed.

8:55am EST

The Truth About Truth.

Whenever I hear the word truth a few phrases come to mind:

“The truth will get you killed”

“You can’t handle the truth”

“People don’t want the truth, they want to hear what they want to hear”

“The truth shall set you free”

“The truth will reveal itself”

Wouldn’t you agree they all sound so negative in notion?

This post today will cover the basics on truth. My goal is to exercise your mind and invite you to think a bit deeper into it as I have today. 

What Is The Truth? 

The truth is a complete and factually honest answer or response to a question, concern, or inquiry. It is told to ease the mind of an individual and put to rest doubt. It serves to eliminate any wrong possibilities. 

Why Do We Ask?

I say we, because I feel I can include myself. I feel when one ask for the truth, it is indeed to ease the mind. It is to gain clarity. It is to confirm a suspicion. The tricky part about it all is that we as imperfect humans, we ask with the high hopes that we aren’t crying moments later. We ask, subconsciously thinking that there won’t really even be any. I feel that we ask to properly be able to adjust our emotions and feelings. No use in feeling angry, or sad if the truth will make us happy, and visa-verse. Simply put, we DO want to know. Which brings me to my next question.

Are We SURE We Want The Truth?

Who doesn’t? Who really would want to live life not knowing something that they ultimately would love the answer to? I feel that the people who assume that “you can’t handle the truth” are those who know that their response will create chaos, hurt feelings, and ultimately eliminate a relationship that THEY want to keep. What I’d love for people to understand is the part integrity plays in it all.

The Truth About Truth.

The truth is, if we as responsible people possessed integrity a lot would be eliminated. Integrity for those who don’t know, is simply doing the right thing, when no one is watching. For instance, if you are in a relationship, and are prompted to cheat, saying no would be that of integrity. So then in which case the TRUTH would not hurt the other person. The truth would then be, “Someone wanted to take me on a date, and I declined”. Another example, gossip. In a group of friends, avoid it, or stick up for the situation. Then in which case, when confronted, you can honestly and confidently say “I didn’t say this”, or if you eliminated yourself from the convo, you can then honestly say “I don’t know”. Where then the truth that will come out later will have nothing to do with you. Do you follow me here?

Words of Wisdom: Don’t think of the truth as a negative or a positive. Don’t create an expectation. Don’t have an “already truth” in your head before you inqure about the actual truth. DO adopt some integrity in you daily regimen. Know that when you ask, as well as tell the truth, you are opening a window to what can be sunshine, or rain. Understand that once you make the decision to ask, you are then responsible for your own emotions and are then to deal with them. Even in the worst of situations WE are the only ones that can control our emotions. Understand that truth is but a sentence. Words, we can handle… Understand that the truth is what you need, and expectations are what you want. Know the difference, then proceed.

I hope that everyone can take something from this post. I hope this reached someone on time. I hope now that all, if but only one of my dear readers, takes the initiative to ask for the truth in an ailing situation. I hope this as well prompts someone to be more honest with a loved one, and/or friend. The truth never expires, but time does. And as I hope that we all know, time waits on no one.

My dear readers… see you in my inbox!


Many think it’s that defining conversation between two ppl that once were, acknowledging their faults, explaining why this and that didn’t work out.. It’s not. Closure is merely a self motivating factor telling and assuring yourself that you did all you could within that relationship.. So much that you can honestly feel like fault wasn’t yours.

Let’s be honest for a moment. Every relationship doesn’t end mutually. There are some that end because someone in it is bored, not ready, emotionally unstable, feeling smothered, just plain ol not interested, or in an ignorant level just being a player. Now let’s go a step further, if someone ever told you one of these things were why you guys didn’t work out, would that provide you closure or would it instead prompt yet another question? See I’ve learned that the question ‘why’ can literally be asked after every question and there can be a response.. Try it out one day..

So I feel closure comes when you don’t have to ask why or when you can feel so confident with YOU as an individual in that relationship that the question ‘why’ doesn’t even matter.

Words of Wisdom: In any relationship you encounter. Be it love, friendship, work or family.. Be the best YOU that you can be. That best friend, that employee of the month, that most dedicated lover and the most awesome brother/sister/child… that you can be.. So that if a time ever comes when someone wants to separate themselves from you, you can rest assure that it was by no fault of your own. THAT my fellow reader is closure.

Hope this touched somebody. Furthermore, Be Blessed.