Don’t Feel Bad…

Hi.. I don’t know whether to say good evening or not, so HI will suffice 🙂

I promise to make this post short and sweet.. [as always]… Quick Info: The other day I received an inbox from a woman whom suggested I try out a visual guru post. Where I answer questions via video basically. She also suggested a live chat etc. I tried the live chat [no video] with her… [Via Skype]

[On with story]

Recently, I was talking to a sweet lady whom was having what seemed to be the roughest day EVER. I offered to have some conversation with her and come to find out what ailed her REALLY had NOTHING to do with her. She had a great day at work, her relationship was on track with her man and life that day couldn’t have been better. WELL, she had a friend that was surely in need of a big hug; however her friend was imposing on her life.

Her situation reminded me of so many other common situations that I see. People over extending themselves or becoming available because they feel that’s their ‘role’ as a friend or whatever the role is.

Don’t Feel Bad..

See my next words of encouragement are not to say NEVER help or NEVER be there for those who need you. My next words of encouragement are simply to put one in the mind frame to not forget about yourself.

You don’t have to be selfish to be conscious of yourself and your needs. There will be times that you can’t do anything for a person but listen. There will be times that you don’t do something to the standard that someone wanted you to do it. There will simply be times when you don’t want to do something for someone else, and to that I say don’t feel bad.

Understand that there is but so much you can do for a person before you must allow them to do things for themselves. Understand that your well being is important too. Don’t make it your job to take on others’ problems if that’s NOT your job. There IS  a difference between being a friend and being a sounding board for problems.

I’d encourage anyone who is going through a situation where they’re down in their spirit due to their inability to make everyone else happy; I’d encourage you to first admit to yourself that you can’t fix everything. THEN I’d encourage you to tell that personI’m sorry, I really wish I could help you, but I’m having a hard time balancing my happiness, sanity and YOUR problems…” 

I say this a lot and I mean it more every time I say it..

“Sometimes you have to be selfish…” -Guru 

Be Blessed.

Positive Vibes

Something in me tonight told me that someone needs some sort of inspiration. Some sort of something that will tell that everything will be alright EVEN if at some point it feels as though times couldn’t get any worse.

This is my QUICK post of Positive Vibes…

I could definitely testify a few things, but instead I’m going to encourage everyone who takes time to read this to come up with a goal. This is a simple task. For the sake of my POINT I want you to come up with short term goals. Things as simple as waking up an hour earlier… ACTUALLY going for that jog or run that you’ve been ‘saying’ you were going to take. NOT eating fastfood for a WHOLE day.

Yea, just super short term goals. You can even start tonight by turning off the TV at a certain time. Simple right?

My Point:

I’ve learned that once we figure out that we can ACTUALLY accomplish something that we set our minds to do, it becomes a source of motivation. As simple as it may seem, I promise you when you accomplish your short term goal, you’ll feel different… Motivated.

See, I’ve learned the hard way that if we never MAKE ourselves do anything then nothing will get done. The best ideas in the world hold no merit to the ATTEMPTED idea. The best thought in the world holds no merit the thought NOT shared.

So set a goal. A positive one. Nothing strenuous. 

I have a few quick examples:

  1. I’m embarrassed to say that [I] am a procrastinator -_-. Yes, I love to come up with grand ideas and have the craziest time completing things.. WELL I ‘did’ once upon a time. I love writing songs. I used to feel that there just weren’t enough hours in the day to write, and that I never had beats to write to. THEN I noticed that I actually loved acoustic music better than any song with a beat.. WHY could I not at least write the songs first right? I challenged myself to write a song a week. [I did that easily]. THEN I challenged myself to write 2 songs a week… SOON I challenged myself to find free beats and write to the first free beat I’d come across. It motivated me to find better beats because obviously I didn’t like EVERY first beat I came across.. I’d become engulfed in my craft and write a million songs. My archive is ridiculous now!! ^_^
  2. DIETING… I HATE eating right!! Its NOT fair. I like pork and OMG I love bread! I love yellow rice and late night snacking! I crave lemonade at odd times during the day and LOVE strawberry shortcake!! So I started small… I challenged myself to go power walking every other day.. [I did that].. THEN I challenged myself to cut out fast food.. That was no problem once I figured out that I was spending TOO much money on eating out anyways. POINT being… I now have a routine. I haven’t ate at Burger King or McDonalds in MONTHS! I haven’t eaten pork in MONTHS!! && I don’t miss is… I slipped into a pair of jeans I used to have to wiggle into.. ^_^

See ppl.. you CAN do it.. I too have symptoms of a lazy person.. of a procrastinating person.. BUT I set small goals that seemed pointless to set, but helped in the most major ways…

Get motivated.. && Furthermore, Be Blessed ^_^

Don’t Fit, Don’t Force It

It was always instilled in me to never give up and always attempt at whatever is that I want. It was never really taught to me to know when to stop trying; if in fact that something that one can be taught.

Recently, I’m coming to realize what the saying “Don’t Fit, Don’t Force It” means. In my greatest of opinion I feel that there is nothing wrong with trying. As well I feel that a million failed attempts doesn’t mean give up, versus try a DIFFERENT method. If your attempts aren’t working with a certain person, move to a different person. If a certain situation isn’t coming to pass, change the variable and continue to try.

I feel that there is a point in the trying process that one feels that its a lost cause, and its that very moment that I suggest one takes a second to change what it is that is making the attempts impossible.

I’d never suggest giving up, but don’t go trying to fit a half a dollar coin in a vending machine that doesn’t accept them [If you gt my point].

Words of Wisdom: Know when to regroup.

What’s The Worst That Can Happen?

Hi readers ^_^. I shall do my best to make this short, sweet and avoid rambling.

I was recently received an inbox asking me for my expert opinion about taking risk. MY motto is centered around the coined phrase “What’s the worst that can happen?” 

See readers, I am able to admit that my method is a bit more bolder in approach. It’s definitely on the risky side and might be a bit reckless IF you do it wrong.

What’s The Worst That Can Happen?

See in MY experience many situations are a catch 22, with one choice that’ll leave you wondering [If you never confront the situation] and one choice that you’ll never know the outcome to unless you attempt it. In this young lady’s situation it was pertaining to a guy that she liked. Without getting into detail I will say that either he’ll like you back or he won’t. There’s no real need to add unnecessary pressure to a simple situation; No matter how much pressure you may be feeling.

The worst that can happen is that the feelings are not mutual and the only option is to move on to another guy which I’m sure is out in the world somewhere [I know how brutal that may come off, but it IS the reality of it]. I wouldn’t recommend letting feelings simmer for years and years until you feel its the “right time” aka. until you build up some courage to express yourself.

One can’t live off fear alone. I once read that the counterpart to fear is courage. Even if you’re feeling as scared as scared can get, there’s always a morsel of courage that gets you through that moment. If you live your life waiting for moments to transpire, you risk having nothing transpire… EVER. Why wait, when you can get it done yourself?

What’s The Worst That Can Happen?

I’ve learned that the worst thing at the moment turns out to be the best thing for you in the end. Nothing happens just to happen. I’m a fan of being bold in the moment, for it may never transpire again. Speak up in the moment and deliver it well; in my opinion your first thought is the rawest. Don’t be afraid of the word No; It is but a word that even you will use. That’s like being afraid of snakes, but playing with them… Makes no sense.

See. I kept it short, sweet and hopefully provided some clarity to my inboxer as well as the rest of the readers.