To Those Who Are Patient…

Hey there beautiful readers,

“Time heals all..”
“It takes time..”
“In due time..”
“Take your time..”
“It’s not your time..”

I really could go on and on with all the time related quotes I’ve heard. With every quote I’ve heard, I feel that they give the same message… WAIT. 

I will admit to not at all being a patient person, but as stated in a previous post, one may be Impatient, But Don’t Rush.

I feel that my problem with waiting was the fact that I felt that I’d obtain whatever it was a lot quicker had I just proceeded to getting it. Which in a sense is true. I would reach my point of impatience though and stop doing whatever it was that I was doing. I felt like my efforts were going unnoticed.

Just because I love giving examples (I’ll give you one):

At my current job, I started off as the girl who answers the phones and takes messages. I went to work and alphabetized file cabinets and did a lot of busy work. For a while I thought I’d never get past that stage. I would try to do everything right. I’d be early to work, I’d extend myself to anyone that needed help, and I’d learn things that I knew I’d need to know one day. FINALLY, 5-6 months later, I was given an actual desk, in an actual office with my own personal password! ^_^ My boss pulled me to the side one night and told me how she see’s my potential, and she sees me working hard. She said that she wants to see me make it. Those words, I would have loved to have heard 5-6 months prior, I was elated that I’d heard them at all. My motto was don’t wait on a promotion, MAKE them give you a promotion! Leave them no other choice but to recognize how great of an employee you are. 

This brings me to my actual point…

Don’t stop whatever you’re doing. If you want love and you’re dating.. Keep dating. If you want a promotion, and you’re working super hard.. keep working super hard! The catch is though, don’t keep looking for that moment for things to change, as it will happen when you least expect it. It will happen just as you relax and allow things to develop on their on. That moment will occur just as soon as you exude some patience. It’ll literally sneak up on you.

I wouldn’t encourage one to exude patience if I hadn’t been in a situation where my patience was tested and I had to find out for myself.

They say “Good Things Come To Those Who Wait..” I’ll edit this statement and say:

“Good things come to those who are patient…” 

Words of Wisdom: (Read the quote again) and have faith that everything that you work so diligently for will come to form. 

Furthermore Beautiful Readers… Be Blessed.



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