
Let me get right to it;
i always get asked by the most random people what is it that i do here in atlanta. I’ll tell you what i don’t do…
I do not work for free; ok goodnight… lol [in real life]
Just a synopsis of what it is I do all day – 
ok, so picture this 30 year old human whom has a pretty decent mind with pretty decent goals and just recently decided that they wanted to get serious about life. They decide that in the near future they want to be able to make life decisions and have their finances be ready as well. [however] they don’t know who they need to speak to, what they should do, when they should do it or how for that matter!
Here’s where i come in…
i sit down for about 20 good minutes on the phone or in person [as long as its a good hair day] and I have them tell me their goals just as they did their friends and parents, right. After those 20 good minutes i map out what they will need to do to accomplish these goals – but not only do i map this process out, i assist them in accomplishing this [and] in maintaining their new and improved life, that i let them take all the credit for changing [inserts emoji face].
So in laymens terms, I assist individuals with most things finance:

Obtaining Funding. Personal & Business Loans. Credit Restoration. Credit Building. Business Planning. Business Setup. Bookkeeping. Accounting.

[and a slew of other things that can save a life]
Seguing —
I would have never known the importance of making wise financial decisions and planning ahead financially had it not been for me wanting to get serious about life. so ‘what is it that i do?’ – i help those who are trying to transition and better themselves financially.

Take it from me; you are not going to want to be 40 when you finally decide you want to buy a house with a 30 yr mortgage. Let’s face it, we all won’t become millionaires and buy our houses outright; most of us will be regular people waking up to a different kind of grind.

Words of Wisdom: Education yourself when it comes to finances. Understand how your decisions can effect your future. Know where you stand in life. Acknowledge your true status. Think beyond today - be a Big Picture Thinker!
[Then] speak with me.
If the link does not work for you submit directly in the "How May I Help You" tab.

The Pressure

There was a time that I couldn’t find a piece of mind

Stretching every piece of my mind, to what required a piece of my attention

Losing retention; the irony in that.

Taking in so much that I’d forget this and that.

I blamed it on the pressure

My stressors; my many responsibilities.

The rent due, lights, cable, car.. it was killing me.

No literally killing me;

Insomnia kicking in, no sleep — i had no energy.

The pressure, thinking about all the pressure.

Caught a flat tire, gotta get another one; that’s another stressor.

Money flowing in, love flowing out;

Prioritizing the things I can live without.

Just a whole lot of random pressures……

—- [Insert your many pressures in life]

I’m thankful for the pressure

Long nights, early mornings and Starbucks.

I had a random thought, and it translated like a poem actually. My recent pressures have put me in a position lately to choose, to prioritize. It was the worst-best thing that could’ve happened for me. I will admit that I’ve never been the type to force myself to choose if I could find a way to have it all. SO imagine my ignorance to making “this or that” choices. It was all bad… until it wasn’t.

Somehow I managed to make a choice and be good with that choice no matter what. I’ve excelled tremendously in the way that I react to things. Over the past however long, I’ve been really digging in with getting to know the things I like and don’t like. The things I’ll entertain and what just doesn’t work for me. The things that matter and those things that are merely around to provide commercials when you’re tired of dealing with the real things in life.

So yeah, I’m thankful for the pressure. I can say it played a catalyst in the person that I’m becoming. Feeling that pressure taught me that I had to work harder than I ever thought I’d have to work. It taught me to be honest with myself and others. To prioritize. To grind. To turn water into wine.

I feel that one whom has never had a moment when the pressure is on, 3 seconds til the buzzer, with the game winning three point jumper on you… they just won’t understand where the real grind originates from.

Words of Wisdom: Don’t be afraid of that added pressure. You’ll either get through it a conqueror or a loser; you choose. 

Step 2: Find Out

So there’s pretty much nothing worse than meeting someone… Getting to like everything about them only to find out that they don’t want the same things to want… Smh. It’s never to early to inquire. It is all about delivery. It’s fairly simple. You don’t have to roll out the list and ask them in the form of bullet points. Spread them over the course of maybe a week of regular conversation.. Ask as though you’re very intersted not with a motive.

A few things that come to mind off hand that I’D personally want to know:

-Do you have or want kids?How many?

-Do you have goals that might uproot you from your current resident? If so what?

-Are you looking for long term or going with the flow??

——Going with the flow isn’t always bad, but isnt always good. It creates limbo if not approached carefully.


Just a few off the top of my head. Finding on these things will further more let you know if step 3 is even necessary… It’ll enable you to figure out what exactly you’re getting yourself into. Everyone knows what their willing to accept.

For example: if you say “hmmm So what’s you goals? Do you see yourself in this city forever” and they say “naaah I’m only trying to be here for about another 2 months” well ummm figure it out..


If you say “do you want kids?” and they say “OMG nooooo… I really don’t like kids AT ALL…” figure-it-out!

THE POINT: it’s all very simple as stated. This is the point where you’re not choosing to settle. The point where you find out what you’re getting yourself into so that any emotions you choose to invest in it.. Are at you very own risk. Again.. Remember to stretch out these questions. Formulate them into a neat conversation. There is also a **Try This** game I will post later today… It’s a great way to get these questions asked.

Saying Sorry.. The Delivery.. The Moral..

This post will be short and to the point ((I think)).

I feel that when someone apologizes, a great percent of the time its because they want to merely avoid a sticky situation. Its because they don’t have the answers to the anger that is triggered. They just want it to end. 

THAT is why when something happens, my first thought is NOT to apologize. [Not to say I don’t FEEL apologetic], but my first thought is clarify. I shall show by a simple example:

Girl is arguing with her guy about him coming in late from work. He apologizes & they go to bed. Girl is STILL angry because nothing was solved. He hasn’t heard a word she said since she started yelling. What guy fails to understand.. what people fail to understand REALLY.. is that 98 percent of the time… its NOT the point, but the principle. [Figurative, exaggerated percentage]

Follow me..

Instead of an apology, simple acknowledgement is all of what people appreciate. && In a case where one person angers before the other can explain, BOTH people should produce some sort of acknowledgement…

To continue with my example:

Instead of Saying: I’m sorry for coming in late.

Try Saying: I understand that my showing up late angered you, that was not my intentions. I was unaware that you’d react this way, in which case I wouldn’t have done it.

Instead of Saying: WHY YOU LATE!?

Try Saying: I felt disrespected by you showing up late. I only was trying to express my feelings towards that. I’m now aware that I should have handled that differently. It’d make me feel better if you came in at an earlier hour.

I sure hope you noticed the delivery. Delivery, the process of getting something from point A to point B. Also being the second half that ties in with this. The only disclaimer on an acknowledgement is that its sincere & honest. HOW you say something, not only pertains to your tone, but as well with your word placement.. For instance, saying: “Take me to the store…. please”.. is a LOT different from “Please may you take me to the store?”. Do you understand how one started with a demand and one allowed room for an answer?

In the previous suggested dialogue [that I encourage you to paraphrase to suit you].. Did you recognize the last sentence that simple stated a resolution?? There’s a point in every argument when its just not ending and the debate could possibly continue for hours and the only question that hasn’t been asked is What can I do to make you feel better about it…

The last comment provides that factor. People should remember to allow others to understand exactly what expectation of theirs was not met and THAT is why they are angered.. Its an open-ended way of providing a resolution.. Figuring out if it was really the fact that he came in late, or because he was with a group of friends she didn’t like. OR whether she didn’t like where he was at, or the fact that he didn’t call to check in. Understand?

Words of Wisdom: Don’t apologize, acknowledge and find resolution. Don’t demand, deliver your message in a manner that is receptive. Don’t leave your thoughts and wishes to be assumed, give the other party a fair chance at making it right by simply stating what you hope to happen in the future. Its really so simple.

I HOPE that this reach someone in time to make a better choice before engaging in an debate. If my method did, or DIDNT work for you, I DO want to hear from you. I want to feedback on my methods.

Hope to see you in my inbox or my handy dandy e-mail: